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اختبار تجريبي للسلامة الصناعية CH3
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اختبار تجريبي للسلامة الصناعية CH3 في اسم الطالب اكتب اي شيء ------- الرقم السري :
------- الباقية خلها فاضيةزمن الاختبار 30 دقيقة -- الدرجة من 16
بعد دخول الاختبار اضغط على
في اعلى الصفحة لتكون كتابة الاسئلة من اليسار الى اليمين .
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Score: 1
Score: 1
A. Usually inadvertently, unknowingly, or unintentionally, engineers or planners may create hazards in sites, buildings, facilities, equipment, operations, products, and environments.
B. Computational errors, poor assumptions, converting units of measure, improper safety factors.
C. Substitution of materials or fasteners
D. Equipment or operations may be well designed for normal use, but no design consideration was given for installation, maintenance, housekeeping.
Score: 1
A. Failure to block areas undergoing maintenance activities
B. Potential unforeseen changes between repair and maintenance activities
C. Making inadequate assumptions in repair and maintenance activities.
D. Changes in the planned maintenance and repair works are not communicated adequately to those impacted by them.
Score: 1
A. Making inadequate assumptions is another way hazards are introduced.
B. Selection of materials can introduce hazards during design.
C. Potential unforeseen changes between design and construction
D. The failure to block areas undergoing maintenance activities (warning signs).
Score: 1
Score: 1
A. Computational errors, poor assumptions, converting units of measure, improper safety factors.
B. Selection of materials can introduce hazards during design.
C. Substitution of materials or fasteners
D. The failure to block areas undergoing maintenance activities (warning signs).
Score: 1
A. Usually inadvertently, unknowingly, or unintentionally, engineers or planners may create hazards in sites, buildings, facilities, equipment, operations, products, and environments.
B. Substitution of chemicals
C. Insufficient, delayed, improper maintenance.
D. Equipment or operations may be well designed for normal use, but no design consideration was given for installation, maintenance, housekeeping.
Score: 1
A. Eliminate the hazard, reduce the hazard level, provide safety devices, provide warnings, and provide safety procedures
B. Provide warnings, eliminate the hazard, provide safety devices, reduce the hazard level, and provide safety procedures
C. Reduce the hazard level, eliminate the hazard, provide warnings, provide safety devices, and provide safety procedures
D. Provide safety devices, eliminate the hazard, reduce the hazard level, provide warnings, and provide safety procedures
Score: 1
A. Safety Devices
B. The Permit to Work
C. Monitoring safe systems
D. Safe Systems of Work
Score: 1
A. Design
B. Sender
C. Medium (Media)
D. Receiver
Score: 1
A. Making inadequate assumptions is another way hazards are introduced.
B. Potential unforeseen changes between design and construction.
C. Insufficient, delayed, improper maintenance
D. Clean up working area immediately after finishing work
Score: 1
A. Murphy’s Law
B. Heinrich Law
C. Grandjian Law
D. OSHA safety Law
Score: 1
A. Selection of materials can introduce hazards during design.
B. Substitution of chemicals
C. Poor packaging.
D. Insufficient, delayed, improper maintenance.
Score: 1
A. At the source
B. Along the path
C. At the worker
D. All of the above
Score: 1
A. Making inadequate assumptions is another way hazards are introduced.
B. Selection of materials can introduce hazards during design.
C. Potential unforeseen changes between design and construction
D. Clean up working area immediately after finishing work
Score: 1
A. Elimination, substitution, redesign to eliminate hazards, isolation to prevent hazard transfer, automation to minimize people contact with hazard
B. Elimination, substitution, isolation to prevent hazard transfer, redesign to eliminate hazards, automation to minimize people contact with hazard
C. Redesign to eliminate hazards, elimination, substitution, isolation to prevent hazard transfer, automation to minimize people contact with hazard
D. Elimination, redesign to eliminate hazards, substitution, isolation to prevent hazard transfer, automation to minimize people contact with hazard
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