Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam
  إظهار بيانات الطالب   إظهار التعليمات   تغيير اتجاه الصفحة

رقم السؤال: 1           درجة السؤال: 2
رقم السؤال: 2           درجة السؤال: 2
 dependent upon medical diagnoses for the direction of appropriate interventions
 primarily concerned with caring, while medical diagnoses are primarily concerned with curing
 primarily concerned with psychosocial parameters, while medical diagnoses are primarily concerned with physiologic parameters.
 primarily concerned with human response, while medical diagnoses are primarily concerned with pathology.
رقم السؤال: 3           درجة السؤال: 2
  practice good dental hygiene and report gum swelling or bleeding.
 eat a potassium-rich, low sodium diet.
 avoid crowds and obtain an annual influenza vaccination
  drink at least 2 L of fluids daily, including 8 to 10 glasses of water.
رقم السؤال: 4           درجة السؤال: 2
 encourage activity
 encourage high protein intake
 maintain fluid balance
 teach intermittent urinary catheterization
رقم السؤال: 5           درجة السؤال: 2
 fluid and electrolyte imbalance
 urinary retention


ارقام الاسئلة التي لم تجب عليها:

هل انت متأكد انك تريد انهاء الاختبار وإرسال اجاباتك؟


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